拼音:yào piàn英文解釋:
tabloid; troche中文解釋:
藥物壓制的小而扁平的或鈕扣形的圓片 >>查看“藥片”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 醫生給了她一些止疼藥片。The doctor has given her some tablets to take away the pain.
- 倒杯水把藥片放進去溶解了。Fill a glass with water and dissolve this tablet in it.
- 醫生讓我服用這些藥片。The doctor put me on these tablets.
- 我吃了這些藥片感到睏倦無力。These tablets make me feel rather sluggish.
- 這種藥片能溶於水。This kind of tablet is soluble in water.
- 這些藥片無需處方可直接購買。These tablets are available over the counter.