字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>咬緊牙關的英文翻譯


拼音:yǎo jǐn yá guān


set sb.'s teeth


謂盡最大努力忍受痛苦或克服困難。 周而復 《上海的早晨》第一部四:“他咬緊牙關,... >>查看“咬緊牙關”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 雪打在她的臉上,但是她咬緊牙關,繼續前進。
    The snow was blowing in her face, but she gritted her teeth and went on.
  2. 遇到困難只需咬緊牙關堅持下去。
    When things get difficult, you just have to grit your teeth and persevere.
  3. 咬緊牙關,什麼也不肯說。
    He clenched his teeth and refused to tell anything.
  4. 她對我大叫大嚷,而我只是咬緊牙關忍著什麼也沒說。
    She shouted at me but I just gritted my teeth and said nothing.
  5. 咬緊牙關不肯挪動一步。
    She clenched her teeth and refused to move.
  6. 咬緊牙關,什麼也不肯說。
    He clenched his teeth and refused to tell anything
  7. 你一定要咬緊牙關,努力工作。
    You have to grit your teeth and work hard.
