拼音:yāo dài英文翻譯
chatelaine; cummerbund; girdle; sash; waistband【醫】 belt
1.belt 2.waistbelt 3.cummerbund 4.hipgirdle 5.commerbund 6.pelvicgirdle 7.waistbelt 8.rubbingstrip 9.ceinture 10.waistcloth例句:
- 他飽餐一頓以後就鬆開腰帶睡著了。After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep.
- 我的腰帶鬆了,我沒扣緊。My belt is loose; I didn't buckle it up tightly enough.
- 這腰帶是在前面打結還是在後面?Does this sash tie in front or at the back?
- 她束了一條寬腰帶。She wore a wide belt round her waist.