拼音:yàn yǔ英文解釋:
adage; byword; proverb; saw; saying中文解釋:
民間流傳的簡練通俗而富有意義的語句讓她參考“急成婚,長後悔&rdqu... >>查看“諺語”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.saying 2.saw 3.adage 4.byword 5.aphorism中英例句:
- 在這一方面我記得有一句諺語。In this connection I remember a proverb.
- 你幫我,我幫你——這是舉世皆知的一句諺語。Ka me, ka thee- it is a proverb all over the world.
- 諺語說,早起的鳥有食吃。As the saying goes the early bird catches the worm.
- 他喜歡在作文中引用諺語。He likes to quote proverbs in his compositions.