拼音:yàn xuè英文解釋:
blood test【法】 blood test
血液試驗法(如測定某一感染的來源和性質) >>查看“驗血”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 確定孩子父親身份的驗血。Test to establish the paternity of a child
- 請跟我去醫院驗血。Please follow me to the hospital to have a blood test
- 確定孩子父親身份的驗血。Test to establish the paternity of a child.
- 請等一下,我們需要看一下X線片(驗血)的結果。Please wait until we get the result of X-ray (blood test).
- 要驗血。A blood test is necessary
- 請跟我去醫院驗血。Please follow me to the hospital to have a blood test.
- 在驗血前你最好不要吃任何東西。You'd better not eat anything before a blood test
- 我驗血的結果顯示我的膽固醇指數還在正常的範圍內。My blood test shows that my cholesterol levels are in the normal range.