拼音:yǎn shuō jiā英文解釋:
- 這位演說家用苦練的方法克服了天生的口吃毛病。By much pains, the orator overcame a natural impediment in his speech.
- 他是演說家, 而且是口若懸河的演說家。He is a speaker, and a flunt speaker therewith
- 她的口才如此之好,連最優秀的演說家也會相形見絀。Her eloquence is so good that she cuts down the best orator.
- 以文字作交易的人虛飾的或不認真的使用語言的作家或演說家A writer or speaker who uses language pretentiously or carelessly.
- 作為一個演說家受到大家的熱烈歡迎In great demand as a speaker
- 霍爾特後來成為廣受歡迎的演說家,積極倡導教學改革。Holt became a sought-after speaker and supporter of school reform.