拼音:yǎn shén 英文解釋:
expression in one's eyes
(1) ∶眼睛的神態(2) ∶眼力 >>
查看“眼神”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 她以崇拜的眼神看著他。
She looked at him in an adoring manner.
- 他的眼神因厭倦而變呆滯。
His eyes glazed over with boredom.
- 我從她那無法掩飾的眼神里可以看出她愛他。
I can see from the telltale look in her eyes that she love him.
- 我們從她閃爍的眼神知道她在開玩笑。
From the twinkle in her eyes we know she is joking.
- 我從他的眼神里看出了答案。
I can read the answer in his eyes.
- 她給我一個冷冷的眼神。
She gave me a cold stare
- 的一句話,一個眼神都能讓我心軟。
A word or a look from Cassandra that just makes my heart melt
- 我注意到他眼神里的恨與怒。
I noted the hate and vehemence in his eyes.