拼音:yǎn jiè英文解釋:
horizon; outlook; scope; sight【法】 sight
目力所及的範圍,借指見識的廣度窗中縞練舒眼界。——蘇軾《... >>查看“眼界”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.sight 2.eyereach 3.eyerange 4.eyeshot中英例句:
- 我知道他很強壯,但當我看到他舉起那張桌子時,真令我大開眼界。I knew he was strong, but it was an eye-opener to me when I saw him lift that table.
- 科學使我們大開新的眼界。Science gives us a new horizon.
- 我的印度之行真令我大開眼界。My trip to India was quite an eye-opener.
- 另一個丈夫這樣說他的妻子:“她是給我開闊眼界的人。As another husband said of his wife, she’s my eye-opener.
- 教育和經歷使他眼界開闊。Education and experience breed a breadth of vision and understanding to him
- 戴姆勒?克萊斯勒--眼界決定世界.Daimler Chrysler--The range of experience decides world.
- 這位英雄的事跡使我大開眼界。The story of the hero opened up a new world to me
- 小生產者的狹隘眼界narrow-mindedness of the small producers