拼音:yǎn jiǎo sè英文解釋:
- 那位流行歌星轉向螢幕,在肥皂劇中扮演角色。The pop singer turned to figure in soap operas.
- 飾演,扮演表演角色或扮演…的角色(人物);假扮To play the role or portray the part of(a character); impersonate.
- 他也在舞台上扮演角色。He also performed a port on the stage
- 表演在觀眾面前扮演角色或演示工作的行動或風格The act or style of performing a work or role before an audience.
- 飾演,扮演表演角色或扮演…的角色(人物);假扮To play the role or portray the part of(a character); impersonate
- 他也在舞台上扮演角色。He also performed a port on the stage.