字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>咽喉的英文翻譯 “咽喉”的日文翻譯


拼音:yān hóu


gorge; gullet; jaws; key link; throat
【醫】 gula; gullet; guttur; throat


(1) ∶喉嚨,包括咽、食管上部、喉及氣管的通向胃和肺的通道(2) ∶頸的前方上... >>查看“咽喉”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.gula  2.swallow  3.guttur  4.thropple  5.thrapple  


  1. 我準備做一次咽喉細菌培養,以便確診。
    I am going to take a throat culture so we'll know for sure.
  2. 我因為咽喉炎感到有點不舒服,所以只好不去看電影了。
    I was feeling one degree under with a sore throat so I had to miss going to the cinema.
  3. 護喉甲用來保護咽喉的盔甲
    A piece of armor protecting the throat.
  4. 勒殺搶劫呃人咽喉使之失去抵抗力,尤其是為了搶劫
    Strangulation, especially in order to rob.
  5. 今天我的咽喉中有點疼痛
    I have a pain in my throat today
  6. 數字減影血管造影在耳鼻咽喉科的套用
    Application of digital subtraction angiography in ENT disorders
  7. 您嗓子的不舒服可能是由於咽喉神經官能症引起的。
    D: All the trouble in your throat may be due to a pharyngeal neurasthenia.
  8. 喉切除術部分或全部切除咽喉的外科手術
    Surgical removal of part or all of the larynx.
