拼音:yáng yì 英文解釋:
be permeated with; flow
(1) ∶充滿;廣泛傳播聲名洋溢(2) ∶水充溢流動(3) ∶充分流露、顯示精力... >>
查看“洋溢”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
brimoverwith 2.
flow(path) 3.
overflow 相關對話:
- 他一想起瑪麗,臉上就洋溢著幸福的表情。
He gets stars in his eyes when he thinks of Mary.
- 用餐時洋溢著熱情友好的氣氛。
The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.
- 他熱情洋溢地對我們說。
He speaks to us with great fervor.
- 這些名詞都指示洋溢著歡樂的狀態。
These nouns denote a state of joyful exuberance
- 招待會洋溢著一片熱烈友好的氣氛。
An atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed at the reception.
- 這裡的建築洋溢著濃濃的異國情調。
he loved the exocitism of Egypt.
- 充滿,洋溢源源不斷地供應;洋溢,充滿
To have a boundless supply; be superabundant.
- 精力充沛熱情洋溢的人
Person full of energy and enthusiasm