拼音:yǎng mù 英文解釋:
admire; look up to
∶敬仰思慕昔堯殂之死, 舜仰慕三年。——《後漢書&mid... >>
查看“仰慕”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 一捆樹木;一群仰慕者。
a bunch of trees; a cluster of admirers
- 他宣稱是拜倫的仰慕者。
He claims to be an admirer of Byron.
- 這位畫家以風景畫受人仰慕。
The artist is much looked up to for his landscape paintings.
- 有一小群仰慕者圍著那位特邀嘉賓。
There was a little cluster of admirers round the guest speaker.
- 有一小群仰慕者圍著那位特邀嘉賓。
There was a little cluster of admirers round the guest speaker
- “我不能把你算作一名仰慕者”(納撒尼爾·霍桑)
"I cannot reckon you as an admirer?Nathaniel Hawthorne).
- 仰慕那位年老些的詩人
Looked up to the older poet.
- 稱讚,讚賞表達贊同、讚揚或仰慕
Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration.