拼音:yǎng liào英文解釋:
food; nourishment; nutriment【醫】 aliment
能供給有機體營養的物質;營養品 >>查看“養料”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 如果不給它一些養料,植物就不會長好。If we do not give it any the plants will be weak.
- 土壤含有水分和養料,所以作物能生長。Because soil contains water and nourishing source,the plant can live on it.
- 根將水分和養料輸送到乾和枝。The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches.
- 養料賴以支持或維持生命的東西Something that supports or sustains.
- 能將簡單有機物合成其本身所需的養料的植物。plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances.
- 缺乏有利於文化傳承的大氣候,傳統文化失去了它賴以維繫的土壤、空氣、水分、養料和陽光,講繼承文化傳統就會變成一句空話。The preservation of our heritage should not be reduced to just empty talk.