拼音:yān cōng英文解釋:
chimney; funnel; stack【化】 stack
建造在屋頂上的豎立構築物,包括建造在屋內的排除煙、難聞的煙氣或氣體的一個或幾個煙... >>查看“煙囪”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.funnel 2.chimneystack 3.heatingtube 4.stack 5.stovepipe 6.smokestack 7.shaft 8.chimneyflue 9.smokepipe 10.smokestack相關對話:
- 煙囪里冒出來團團黑煙。Volumes of black smoke poured fromthe chimney.
- 這次爆炸把那箇舊煙囪給炸倒了。The explosion toppled the old chimney.
- 煙從煙囪里一股一股地噴出來。Smoke puffed from the chimney.
- 那座高煙囪搖搖晃晃地倒了下來。The tall chimney tottered (to and fro) and then collapsed.
- 火星沿著煙囪向上飄。Sparks from the fire were flying up the chimney.
- 工廠的煙囪向空中排煙。The factory chimneys poured smoke into the air.