拼音:xū yǒu qí biǎo 英文解釋:
look impressive but worthless; ostentation中文解釋:
唐 中書舍人 蕭嵩 長大多髯。 玄宗 欲以 蘇頲 為相,命 嵩 起草詔書。既成,... >>
查看“虛有其表”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 那部車的堅固外觀只是虛有其表。
The car's sturdy appearance lied.
- 他漂亮的衣著只是虛有其表而已。
His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.
- 繡花枕頭,虛有其表。
A pillow with an embroidered cast looks impressive but lacks of need worth
- 虛有其表的偽君子
a specious hypocrite
- 有者擔心會是一隻"白象",虛有其表;
others worried that the Corner would turn out a mere matter of form;
- 得長枕頭,虛有其表。
A pillow with an embroidered cast looks impressire but lacks of need worth
- 虛有其表的人物
a shoddy character