拼音:xùn lù 英文解釋:
(1).馴養的鹿。 唐 方乾 《題法華寺絕頂禪家壁》詩:“馴鹿不知誰結侶,野禽... >>
查看“馴鹿”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
caribou 2.
Rangifertarandus 3.
[Latin]Rangifertarandus 相關對話:
- 北美馴鹿原產於北美洲北部的一種巨大的馴鹿
Any of several large reindeer native to northern North America.
- 馴鹿有帶叉的角。
Reindeer have branched antlers.
- 那群馴鹿被一隻狼群尋蹤追趕上來。
The herd of reindeer was being trailed by a pack of wolves .
- 摘要鹿茸角是雄鹿(馴鹿除外)一種後天可逐年再生的骨組織。
The antler is a bone tissue which can be regenerated postnatally annually
- 聖誕老人駕著馴鹿拉的雪橇。
Santa is riding on the sleigh pulled by reindeers.
- 北極圈北部——拉普人和馴鹿的故鄉
North of the Arctic Circle=THE LAND OF LAPPS AND REINDEER
- 愛斯基摩皮靴愛斯基摩人穿的海豹皮或馴鹿皮製成的軟靴
A soft boot made of reindeer skin or sealskin and worn by Eskimos.