字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>詢價單的英文翻譯 “詢價單”的日文翻譯


拼音:xún jià dān


【經】 inquiry sheet


1.inquirylist  2.inquirysheet  


  1. 我們收到了一家美國公司的詢價單
    We received the enquiry sent by an American company.
  2. 我們隨函寄上詢價單一份。
    We are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet.
  3. 我方手頭現有一份欲購大量苦杏仁的詢價單
    We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of bitter apricot kernel
  4. 茲隨函附上詢價單一份。
    We enclose herewith an inquiry sheet.
  5. 我方手頭現有一份欲購大量苦杏仁的詢價單
    We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of bitter apricot kernel.
  6. 這是詢價單,請您看一下。
    This is our inquiry. Would you like to have a look?
  7. 這是我方詢價單,請您過目。
    This is our inquiry sheet. Will you like to have a look?
  8. 這是我方詢價單,請您過目。
    This is our inquiry sheet Will you like to have a look
