拼音:xún huān zuò yuè 英文解釋:
be on the tiles; gather roses中文解釋:
追求享樂放縱的生活不務正業,整天追生夢死,尋歡作樂 >>
查看“尋歡作樂”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
wenttotown 例句:
- 瑪麗過去總是忙尋歡作樂的社交活動,但現要已經改過了。
Mary used to racket about, but has mended her ways now.
- 鎮上幾乎整夜都擠滿了尋歡作樂的人。
The town stay packed with reveller most of the night.
- 他一生都在尋歡作樂。
His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure.
- 貪安逸的人沉湎於尋歡作樂及奢侈的人
A lazy person devoted to pleasure and luxury
- 尋歡作樂的放蕩生活
a giddy life of pleasure
- 他沒有專心學業,而是尋歡作樂,當然還未達到胡作非為的程度。
He leads a life not of study, but of joviality, though not of vice
- 他一生都在尋歡作樂.
His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure.
- 尋歡作樂追求歡樂或享受
To go in search of pleasure or enjoyment.