dispatch; interrogate; message
- 他的死訊已電告其家屬。
News of his death was cabled to his family.
- 喜訊傳來,人們頓時歡呼起來。
People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.
- 得到她丈夫的死訊,她神經錯亂了。
At the news of her husband's death, she went to pieces.
- 喜訊傳遍了祖國的每個角落。
The good news spread to every corner of the country.
- 她父親的死訊是她愉快的一年中唯一傷心的事。
The sad news of her father's death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.
- 我最近沒聽到我兒子的任何音訊。
I haven't heard any news from my son lately.
- 一名通訊員被派去給前線士兵送訊息。
A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
- 董事會注意到維持有效通訊的需要,因此決定建立一個新的通信網。
Mindful of the need to maintain efficient communication, the board of directors decided to construct a new communication network.
訊的意思 訊 (訊) ù 問,特指法庭中的審問:審訊。刑訊。訊問。 訊息,信息:通訊。音訊。訊息。 告,陳訴:“夫也不良,歌以訊之。”
俘虜的稱謂:執訊(意思是捉到俘虜)。 古同“迅”,迅速。 筆