拼音:xù jí英文解釋:
continuation; sequel中文解釋:
多集作品的後續各集之一 >>查看“續集”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 該片是1996年票房巨片《101隻花斑狗》的續集。This story is sequel to the 1996 box?office blockbuster,"101 Dalmatians."
- 明天接著收聽這個激動人心故事的續集。Tune in again tomorrow to hear the continuation of our exciting story.
- 這是《飄》的續集。This is the sequel of Gone with the Wind.
- 那麽,續集中有什麽等著影迷呢?So what 21) awaits movie fans in the sequel?
- 小說的續集the sequel to the novel
- 我們在電視上看了蜘蛛人的續集。2 We watched the sequel to "Spiderman" on TV.