拼音:xuè zhǒng 英文解釋:
【醫】 blood lake; blood tumor; hematocus; hematoma中文解釋:
血液由破裂的血管流出,聚集在軟組織內,使局部出現腫脹 >>
查看“血腫”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
hematoncus 2.
edemaduetobloodstasis 3.
bloodtumor 4.
hematocele 5.
hematomas 6.
bloodswelling 相關對話:
- 摘要外傷性脊髓硬腦膜下腔血腫是一種少見的疾病。
Traumatic spinal subdural hematoma is a rare entity
- 第2次手術後2h,形成直徑3mm的血腫區,術後24h基本形成直徑3mm的血凝塊。
3mm after 2h,blood clotting was to dir. 3mm after 24h.
- 顱內蜘蛛網膜囊腫出血伴隨硬腦膜下腔血腫也並不常見。
Hemorrhage of intracranial arachonoid cyst is also uncommon.
- 慢性硬膜下血腫的CT表現
Appearances of Chronic Subdural Hematoma on CT Scan
- 低場強下腦內血腫的MR診斷
MR diagnosis of irttracerebral hematoma in low field intensity
- 摘要外傷性十二指腸血腫是一種在兒童時期罕見的病症。
Traumatic intramural hematoma of the duodenum is a rare entity in children
- 摘要外傷性十二指腸血腫是一種在兒童時期罕見的病症。
Traumatic intramural hematoma of the duodenum is a rare entity in children.
- 第四腦室底部橋腦出血5例,血腫量5-15ml,血腫全部清除。
Of the 5 patients with pons hematoma, hematoma was totally removed.