拼音:xuè yuán英文解釋:
blood relationship; consanguinity; strain【醫】 blood-relation
人類由生育而自然形成的血統 >>查看“血緣”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.kindred 2.consanguinity 3.bloodrelationship中英例句:
- 根據母系的血緣,她是蘇格蘭的後裔。She is Scottish on her mother's side.
- 有共同圖騰的有血緣關係的一群人的信仰。belief in the kinship of a group of people with a common totem.
- 基於血緣婚姻或共同興趣的一種聯繫。a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest
- 這種基於人類血緣關係的“孝”道,具有逾時空的普遍性。This piety based on blood ties is universal and transcends time and space.
- 有血緣關係的一代代人。successive generations of kin.
- 父系按父方血統追溯的族系血緣關係The line of descent as traced through the paternal side of a family.