拼音:xuè ròu 英文解釋:
flesh and blood
血液和肌肉。指人類軀體。因人體有血與肉,為生命所系,故言 >>
查看“血肉”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 有關英雄豪傑的殘酷的事實之一是,他們也是由血肉造成的人。
The one cruel fact about hero is that they are made of flesh and blood.
- 這是血肉之軀無法忍受的。
It was more than flesh and blood could bear.
- 問題4.為什麼救主要親自成了血肉之軀?
Q.4 Why did the Savior share the humanity of fresh and flood?
- 我的蟲群們渴望血肉!
Yells: The swarm is eager to feed.
- 事故發生後,屍體被壓得血肉模糊,難以辨認。
After the accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.
- 那不是血肉之軀所可忍受的。
It is more than flesh and blood can bear.
- 但是,他們對這種正義的,血肉之親的呼籲置若罔聞。
They too have been deaf to the voce of justice and of consanguinity.