拼音:xuè qīng英文解釋:
serum【化】 blood serum
【醫】 blood sera; blood-serum; liquor sanguinis; oro-; orrho-; orrhos; sera
sero-; Serum
(1) ∶血液凝固後,在血漿中除去纖維蛋白分離出的淡黃色透明液體,尤指含有特異性... >>查看“血清”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bloodplasma 2.lymph例句:
- 抗毒血清,抗毒素包含對一種或多種抗原的特異抗體的人體或動物血清Human or animal serum containing antibodies that are specific for one or more antigens.
- 貝林,埃米爾·馮1854-1917德國生理學家,因其在抗白喉與破傷風血清免疫方面的工作獲1901年諾貝爾獎German physiologist. He won a1901 Nobel Prize for work on serum immunization against diphtheria and tetanus.
- 體液的與體液(尤是血清)有關的Relating to bodily fluids, especially serum.
- 皰在皮膚里或下層的一種滿含血清的水皰A serum-filled blister formed in or beneath the skin.