拼音:xuè niào英文解釋:
haematuria【醫】 cruenturesis; erythrocyturia; hematuresis; hematuria; hemuresis
urina crutnta
尿中含一定量的紅細胞 >>查看“血尿”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.hematuresis 2.haematuria 3.erythruria 4.bloodyurine 5.hemuresis例句:
- 2223例藥源性血尿不良反應分析Analysis of 2223 ADR case reports of drug-induced hematuria
- 經一年半的追蹤,再無血尿的發生,本篇報告並討論不同栓塞物質的優劣。For 1.5-yr follow-up, no more microscopic or gross hematuria was found.
- 血尿尿(液)中出現血(液)The presence of blood in the urine.
- 單抗免疫分析法在血尿及膀胱移行細胞癌診斷中的套用The application of BTA stat in the diagnosis of bladder tumor and hematuria
- (2 )高血壓組血清瘦素與BMI、血尿酸 (URIC)、總膽固醇 (TC)、腰圍、臀圍、WHR顯著正相關 ;(2) SLC of EHT postively corrected with BMI、URIC、TC、waist、hip and WHR.