拼音:xuán nòng 英文解釋:
轉動擺弄。 茅盾 《子夜》十:“ 杜竹齋 是心事很重的樣子,左手的指頭旋弄他那隻... >>
查看“旋弄”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 他旋弄了一陣收音機的旋鈕才找到了那個電台。
He twiddled with the controls of the radio until he found the station.
- 我坐著無聊地旋弄拇指,等候他用完電話。
I sat twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to finish using the phone.
- 我坐著無聊地旋弄拇指, 等候他用完電話.
I sat twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to finish using the phone
- 他旋弄了一陣收音機的旋鈕才找到了那個電台.
He twiddled with the controls of the radio until he found the station.
- 他旋弄著收音機的旋紐。
He twiddled with the knobs of the radio.