拼音:xuán kōng 英文解釋:
be divorced from reality; hang in the air
(1) ∶懸在半空(2) ∶ 比喻憑空,空洞 >>
查看“懸空”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
impendence 2.
impend 3.
impendency 漢語造句:
- 舒適性:可滑動調節的懸空座椅。
COMFORTABLE. Suspension seat on slide adjusters.
- "淘氣的小男孩坐在欄桿邊上,兩腿懸空。"
The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs.
- 踢懸空球
to punt a ball
- 盤旋,懸空盤旋或被懸掛的狀態或狀況
A state or condition of hovering or being suspended
- 他坐在桌沿上,兩腿懸空。
He sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs.
- 盤旋,懸空盤旋或被懸掛的狀態或狀況
A state or condition of hovering or being suspended.