拼音:xuǎn chū de英文翻譯
- 在理論上,候選人提名是由上周初選中所選出的代表來決定。實際上,政治領袖們親自遴選許多代表,在候選人提名上,即令沒有絕對決定權,也是極具影響力的。In theory, the nominations are to be decided at conventions by delegates elected in last week's primaries. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees.
- 共和黨人完全信任新選出的領導人能在下屆選舉中為他們贏得勝利。The Republicans are pinning their faith on their newly chosen leader to bring them victory in the next election.
- 選出的一個One of the elect.
- 選區的全體選民由一名被選出的立法或官員作代表的全體選民The body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official.