字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>細枝末節的英文翻譯 “細枝末節”的日文翻譯


拼音:xì zhī mò jié


minor details; nonessentials


比喻細小而無關緊要的事情或問題。 鄒韜奮 《抗戰以來》三三:“所以動員民眾必須重... >>查看“細枝末節”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 別給我講細枝末節了!
    Spare me the details!
  2. 那作家常以細枝末節來混淆實質問題。
    The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details.
  3. 我對發生的每件事的細枝末節都記得清清楚楚。
    I had remembered in minute detail everything that had happened.
  4. 學究式地注意細枝末節
    A pedantic attention to details
  5. 面對這么多細枝末節,我們必須給出一個綜合的考慮。
    Faced with so many details, we must give a synthetic consideration
  6. 佩洛希女士正準備利用一些細枝末節的事情向布希總統發難。
    Ms Pelosi is preparing to torment the president with some subtlety.
  7. 然而,對於一本深邃理智,富有挑戰意味的書來說,這些只是細枝末節
    Still, this is a small quibble about a deeply intelligent, provocative book
  8. 我們省略了所有無關緊要的細枝末節
    We omitted all the minor details.
