字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>細閱的英文翻譯


拼音:xì yuè


【法】 scrutinize; scrutiny


  1. 要仔細閱讀這幾卷檔案還需要好幾個月的時間。
    It will take several more months to pore through the volumns of documents.
  2. 記得仔細閱讀考試答題指導。
    Remember to read the instructions carefully.
  3. 這本雜誌我沒有仔細閱讀,只是把它翻了翻。
    I just flicked through the magazine instead of reading it carefully.
  4. 細閱讀分類廣告欄以尋找新的工作
    Pored over the classified ads in search of a new job
  5. 細閱讀分類廣告欄以尋找新的工作
    Pored over the classified ads in search of a new job.
  6. 我只是很快地翻了一下這本雜誌,並未仔細閱讀。
    I just flicked over the magazine instead of reading it carefully.
  7. 有些書應當仔細閱讀,而另外一些書應當淺嘗輒止。
    Some books are internded to be read at length, others to be dipped into.
  8. 你只需仔細閱讀契約的正文部分。
    The only part you need to read carefully is the body of your contract.
