拼音:xì yuàn 英文解釋:
現代供戲劇演出的建築物,通常包括設有邊副台與懸吊布景空間的舞台、供演員用的化裝間... >>
查看“戲院”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
theatre 2.
thtr 漢語造句:
- 原定今天把這座舊戲院拆掉,但臨時突然決定暫緩進行。
They were due to start demolishing the old theatre today but there's been a last-minute stay of execution.
- 這家戲院只能容納250人。
The theatre admits only 250 people.
- 瞧都什麽時候了!十分鐘前我們就該到戲院了。
Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago.
- 戲院現已歇夏。
The theatres have closed for the summer.
- 戲院就在公園附近。
The theater is just about the park.
- 昨天我在戲院的大廳等她。
I waited for her in the lobby of theatre yesterday.
- 人流從戲院湧出,進入了黑洞洞的街道。
Crowds disgorged from the theatre into the dark street.