字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>稀有的的英文翻譯


拼音:xī yǒu de


rare; unusual


  1. 一種稀有的紅灰色礦物,由銅、鐵、鍺的硫化物組成。
    a rare reddish-gray mineral consisting of a copper iron germanium sulfide
  2. 這是個奇蹟呀,算得是稀有的技巧,陽光燦爛的安樂宮,連同那雪窟冰窖!
    It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice !
  3. 這些大蟒已經因吞噬稀有的短吻鱷而被盡人皆知。
    The pythons have even been known to devour the odd alligator.
  4. 壁板中鑲嵌的是260塊稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。
    Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage.
  5. 我們可以看到一些稀有的瀕臨滅絕的物種在這裡繁衍生息。
    We can see a number of rare and endangered species breeding here.
  6. 我的眼睛落在一枚稀有的郵票上。
    My eyes lighted on a rare stamp.
  7. 對我來說驚喜就是一直在發現稀有的郵票。
    The thrill for me was finding the rare stamp.
  8. 純粹是偶然機會, 他在一家小書店看到這本他所需要的稀有的書。
    By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little shop
