字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>習以為常的英文翻譯 “習以為常”的日文翻譯


拼音:xí yǐ wéi cháng


be accustomed to


常做某事,逐漸成了習慣三十餘年,習以為常,朕待此花,可謂深仁厚澤。—... >>查看“習以為常”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 這種情況習以為常
    The odds against such a thing are staggering
  2. 我們在晚餐後喝一杯綠茶已經是習以為常了。
    As a rule , we have a cup of green tea after dinner
  3. 習以為常的撒謊者;病態的成功欲。
    a pathological liar; a pathological urge to succeed
  4. 你對熱狗已經太習以為常了!
    You have become too accustomed to hot dogs!
  5. 習以為常的撒謊者;病態的成功欲。
    a pathological liar; a pathological urge to succeed.
  6. 他對孤獨已經習以為常
    He is accustomed to loneliness.
  7. 我得辭退助手,因為他遲到已經習以為常了。
    I must get rid of my assistant because he was habitually late.
  8. 這幾個南方人現在對這兒的寒冷氣候已習以為常了。
    The southerners are quite hardened to the cold weather here now.
