拼音:xǐ yī jī英文解釋:
washing machine【電】 washin machine
洗滌衣物的機器 >>查看“洗衣機”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 她送給我們一台洗衣機。She gave us a washing-machine.
- 我們的新洗衣機老出毛病--完全是因為做的質量太差。Our new washing-machine keeps breaking down it's entirely due to shoddy workmanship.
- 滾筒是洗衣機必不可少的部分。The cylinder is a crucial part of the washing machine.
- 這台洗衣機真是老古董了。This washing machine is really a veteran.
- 這種洗衣機是最新型產品。This washing machine is the latest model.
- 我昨晚用洗衣機洗了很多衣服。I washed many clothes with my washer last night.
- 這種最新型號的洗衣機目前正在你們的商店中出售。The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops.
- 洗衣機把洗衣工作帶出了洗衣房。Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry.