拼音:xī yì英文翻譯
lizard【醫】 lizard
1.cabrite 2.lacertid 3.agama 4.basilisk例句
- 有側生齒的某些蜥蜴的頜中具有固定在側部伸向內部的齒的Having the teeth attached by their sides to the inner side of the jaw, as in some lizards.
- 肉垂一些鳥從脖子或喉嚨垂下的肉質、有褶皺、通常色彩明麗的皮膚褶皺,如雞,火雞和一些蜥蜴A fleshy, wrinkled, often brightly colored fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat, characteristic of certain birds, such as chickens or turkeys, and some lizards.
- 蜥蜴和蛇是冷血動物。Lizards and snakes are cold-blooded animals.
蜥蜴的意思 亦作“ 蜥易 ”。.爬行動物。又名石龍子,通稱四腳蛇。 漢 荀悅 《漢紀·武帝紀一》:“ 朔 ( 東方朔 )自請布卦射之曰:‘臣欲以為龍,復無角;臣欲以為蛇,復有足;跂跂脈脈善緣壁,此非守宮,當是蜥猜你喜歡
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