拼音:xī xì 英文解釋:
play; curvet; frolic; gambol; sport; wanton
遊戲;玩樂嬉戲莫相忘。——《玉台新詠·古詩... >>
查看“嬉戲”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
splore 2.
wanton 3.
romp 4.
curvett 5.
wantonness 中英例句:
- 孩子們放學後在花園裡嬉戲。
The children froliced in the garden after school.
- 那兒有很多嬉戲蹦跳的兒童。
There are many children gamboling around.
- 孩子正和他的貓嬉戲。
The baby was playing with his pussy.
- 成熟就是重新培養兒時嬉戲的認真態度。
Maturity means reacquiring the seriousness one had as a child at play
- 我們坐在公園的長凳上, 看兒童嬉戲。
We sat down on the park bench and watched the children play.
- 實驗室內不準喧譁或嬉戲。
No shouting or playing in the laboratory.
- 嬉戲的舉止幽默、不受約束的;嬉鬧
To behave playfully and uninhibitedly; romp.
- 我們就在嬉戲中耗去了整整一天的時間。
We dallied away the whole day.