字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>休想的英文翻譯 “休想”的日文翻譯


拼音:xiū xiǎng


don't imagine that is possible


別想你休想逃脫 >>查看“休想”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 新聞記者想知道我為什麼辭去內閣職務,但是他們休想從我這裡探到口風。
    drag it out of me
  2. 休想找藉口騙我。
    Don’t try to fob me off with excuses.
  3. 自家頭是蠟做成,休想太陽底下行。
    He that have a head of wax must not walk in the sun.
  4. 胡說八道!你休想糊弄我。
    Stuff and nonsense! Don’t try to make a fool of me.
  5. 休想,老闆。你這么做會違背我們的契約。
    B: Never on your life, sir. You will violate our contract.
  6. 休想,老闆。你這么做會違背我們的契約。
    B: Never on your life, sir You will violate our contract
  7. 我欠肉商10鎊,但他休想得到這筆錢。
    I owe my butcher £ 1 0 , but he can whistle for it .
  8. 休想在這件事上撈稻草。
    Don't imagine you can get anything out of it.
