拼音:xiū kuì 英文解釋:
shame; abashment; blush for; tuck one's tail
自卑,慚愧他的主動合作使我為說過的話感到羞愧 >>
查看“羞愧”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他羞愧得用手把臉蒙住。
He is so ashamed that he hides his face in his hand.
- 使羞愧;使困窘
To put out of countenance; disconcert.
- 大衛,你應當為你的無禮感到羞愧。
David, you should be ashamed of your rudeness.
- 我羞愧難當,不敢正視他。
I was so ashamed that I could not look him in the face.
- 它美國的羞愧世界摔跤娛樂
Its a shame the World Wrestling Entertainment
- 我為你的卑劣行為而感到羞愧。
I blushed for your degraded conduct.
- 他因羞愧而低下了頭。
He because of bashful but low head
- 羞愧無比
abyss of shame