- 這個裙樣沒有真正地示明袖口是怎樣與袖子連線在一起的。
The dress pattern doesn't really explain how the cuff joins onto the sleeve.
- 她用穗帶裝飾連衣裙的領口、摺邊和袖口。
She braided the neckline, hem and cuffs of the dress.
- 如果有一天找到那匪幫的頭子的話,我敢擔保,他一定是個臉色蒼白的大個子,袖口底下露出藍色的護腕帶。
If the Man Higher Up is ever found, take my assurance for it, he will be a large, pale man with blue wristlets showing under his cuffs.
- 她給短外衣的袖口包皮邊。
She bound the cuffs of a jacket with leather.
- 袖口:在袖子底部用作裝飾的摺疊部分
Cuff:a fold used as trimming at the bottom of a sleeve
- 雨衣的袖口扣得緊緊的。
The cuffs of the raincoat are tightly buckled up.
- 袖口邊,護腕圍繞手腕的帶子,如長袖子或手錶
A band, as on a long sleeve or a wristwatch, that encircles the wrist
- 捲起自己的袖口;捲起來的袖口
Turning up his cuffs; cuffs that will turn up.