字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>修好的英文翻譯 “修好”的日文翻譯


拼音:xiū hǎo


foster cordial relations between countries


(1) 〈方〉∶行善事(2) ∶兩國之間關係融洽 >>查看“修好”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 如果您現在把汽車留下,今天下午3點以前我就可以把它修好
    If you leave the car now, I can finish it by 3 this afternoon.
  2. 兩個人費了很大的力氣才把它修好
    It took three hands and much hard work to have it fixed.
  3. 我們基本上把房子裝修好了。
    We almost fit the house out.
  4. 修好了收音機。
    I have repaired the radio.
  5. 損壞得很嚴重,要用很多錢才能修好
    The damage was such that it would cost too much money to repair.
  6. 那台舊機器修好了, 又開始轉動了。
    The old machine was fixed up and put to work again.
  7. 我不得不付了二百英鎊,才把汽車修好
    I had to fork out £200 to get the car repaired!
  8. 機修工很快就把機器修好了。
    The mechanic soon fixed up the machine.
