拼音:xiū dào shì 英文解釋:
cenobite; friar; monk; religious相關對話:
- 僧袍和尚、男修道士和其它神職人員穿的長袍;表明宗教級別的衣著
A robe worn by monks, friars, and other clerics; a habit
- 理察……看到那個快活的修道士跪下來禱告。
Richard…beheld the jovial Friar on his knees, telling his rosary.
- 身穿托缽僧統一的白斗篷的天主教男修道士。
a Catholic friar wearing the white cloak of the Carmelite order.
- 他過著修道士般的簡樸生活。
He lives a life of monastic simplicity.
- 他放棄了成功的事業及奢侈的生活而去當修道士。
He left his successful business and life of luxury to become a monk
- 特免修道士戒律的放寬,如齋戒的免除
Relaxation of monastic rules, as a dispensation from fasting
- 離開前,他與修道士中的每個人道別
Before he left, he said good - bye to each member of the monastery.
- 修道修道士的身份、狀況或職業;僧院制度
The character, condition, or profession of a monk; monasticism.