字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>修邊的英文翻譯


拼音:xiū biān


【化】 deflashing


從橡膠模製件、塑膠模製件、金屬鑄件或工件邊緣上清除溢料或毛刺 >>查看“修邊”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 本機適用於各種外底的起毛、修邊和拋光加工。
    This machine can be used to fluff, trim and polish all kinds of outsoles.
  2. 邋遢醜陋的女人被認為醜或不修邊幅的邋遢婦女
    A woman considered ugly or unkempt
  3. 不整潔的或不仔細打理的;不修邊幅的。
    not neat or cared for; slovenly.
  4. 修邊修邊用的工具,如用來修剪草坪邊緣的工具
    One that edges, such as a tool for trimming the edge of a lawn.
  5. 童年時期--即便成了大人--比爾也不修邊幅。
    As a child-and as an adult as well-Bill was untidy
  6. 修邊修邊用的工具,如用來修剪草坪邊緣的工具
    One that edges, such as a tool for trimming the edge of a lawn
  7. 邋遢醜陋的女人被認為醜或不修邊幅的邋遢婦女
    A woman considered ugly or unkempt.
  8. 他不修邊幅。
    He is careless about/of his dress/appearance.
