拼音:xǐ shuā 英文解釋:
rinse; scrub; wash off
(1) ∶在水中清洗餐後她負責洗刷鍋碗瓢盤(2) ∶辯白冤屈或除去污辱 >>
查看“洗刷”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
rinse 2.
scour 3.
scouring 4.
washagainst 例句:
- 沖平的,洗刷的被海浪沖平或洗刷的
Level with or washed by waves.
- 瑪麗不但清掃房間而且也洗刷窗子。
Mary not only cleaned the room but (also) washed the window.
- 鍋爐內壁要洗刷一下,除去鈣質沉澱物。
The boilers will have to be scoured out to remove the calcium deposits.
- 他應該在洗刷汽車。
He is supposed to be washing the car.
- [諺]一旦給人加一個壞名聲,他就永遠洗刷不掉;人言可畏。
Give a dog a ill name and hang him
- 他把馬洗刷乾淨,好讓這些馬在展覽會上看上去俊美。
He dressed the horses down to make them look nice for the show.
- 他正試圖洗刷他的罪過。
He is trying to wash away his sins.
- 我對所發生的事感到驚奇不已——我兒子竟然自覺地洗刷了汽車。
Wonders will never cease –my son has washed the car without being asked.