拼音:xī shǎo de 英文解釋:
exiguous; few; infrequent; rare; scarce; seldom; slim漢語造句:
- 處在邊遠地區或人煙稀少的地方的哨所。
a station in a remote or sparsely populated location
- 一個對稀少的昂貴食物的偏愛不斷增長的孩子
A child with a grown-up partiality for rare and expensive foods
- 澳洲叢林中的居民在野外生活或旅遊的人,尤指在人煙稀少的內陸
One who lives or travels in the wilderness, especially in the outback.
- 土壤貧瘠的起伏的樹木稀少的高地。
(usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
- 一個對稀少的昂貴食物的偏愛不斷增長的孩子
A child with a grown-up partiality for rare and expensive foods.
- 與其面積相比, 這個城市的人口是稀少的。
Relative to the size, the city is sparsely populated.
- 人口稀少的小國
a country of sparse population
- 稀罕的草藥;沙漠中稀少的小塊綠地。
rare herbs; rare patches of gree in the desert.