拼音:xì ruǎn英文解釋:
精細而易於攜帶的貴重物品點起燈來,把家中有底細軟包裹都收拾了。—&m... >>查看“細軟”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.expensiveclothingandothervaluables 2.jewelry漢語造句:
- 軟毛織物由這種羊毛或者類似的纖維織成的細軟毛織物A soft fabric made of this wool or of similar fibers.
- 由駱駝的毛髮製成的細軟的衣服。a soft tan cloth made with the hair of a camel.
- 細軟的粉末A soft, fine powder
- 軟毛織物由這種羊毛或者類似的纖維織成的細軟毛織物A soft fabric made of this wool or of similar fibers
- 由駱駝的毛髮製成的細軟的衣服。a soft tan cloth made with the hair of a camel