- 被指控的警察決心要洗清自己的罪名。
The accused policeman is determined to clear his name.
- 問題是他是要不顧一切抗爭到底以洗清他的名聲,或是承認較輕罪行以設法減少坐監時間。
The question is whether he will fight to the bitter end to clear his name or cop a plea to try to limit his time in prison.
- 她宣稱自己是遺傳病人,於是她提出抗訴,而後洗清了罪名。
Claiming she was a victim of her genes, the woman was cleared on appeal
- 受天惠處於上帝的恩施的保護或洗清罪孽的狀態
The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God.
- 貝蒂開始致力於為他哥哥洗清罪名。
Instead she focused on clearing her brother.
- 他決心替他的朋友洗清罪名。
He has determined on proving his friends' innocence.
- 他洗清了自身的嫌疑。
He purged himself of suspicion.