拼音:xí qì英文解釋:
a bad habit中文解釋:
不良的習慣或作風官僚習氣 >>查看“習氣”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他應當去掉孤傲習氣。He should rid himself of aloofness and arrogance.
- 必須清除官僚習氣。It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.
- 去掉孤傲習氣rid oneself of aloofness and arrogance
- 我們又多么容易被習氣所駕馭!How easily wa allow our old habits and set patterns to dominate us!
- 一個女孩長大後,就丟掉了孩子習氣。When a girl grows up,she puts childish habits on the shelf.
- 一個女孩長大後,就丟掉了孩子習氣。When a girl grows up,she puts childish habits on the shelf
- 我們不應該染上“當官做老爺”的壞習氣。We must not catch the bad habit of “acting as overlords”.