拼音:xiōng táng英文解釋:
chest; thorax中文解釋:
軀幹的一部分,在頸和腹之間挺起胸膛 >>查看“胸膛”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.thorax 2.thoraces例句:
- 醫生給他打開胸膛並取出腫瘤。The surgeon cut his chest open and took out the tumour.
- 子彈擊中了他的胸膛。The bullet hit him in the chest.
- 男孩信心十足地挺起胸膛。The boy confidently puffed out his chest.
- 他的頭髮一直垂到肩膀,濃密的鬍子幾乎遮住了半張臉。在他粗壯的胳膊和厚實的胸膛上刺著文身。His hair hung to his shoulders, a full beard obscured half of his face; his massive arms and chest were covered with tattoos.