字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>胸骨的英文翻譯 “胸骨”的日文翻譯


拼音:xiōng gǔ


breastbone; sternum
【醫】 breast bone; breastbone; ossa pectoris; ossa xiphoides; scutum pectoris
sterno-; sternum


哺乳動物和鳥類胸腔前面正中央的一根劍形的骨頭 >>查看“胸骨”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.breastbone  2.sternu  3.brisket  


  1. 不連胸骨的不與胸骨相連的
    Not connected to the sternum.
  2. 鎖骨,叉骨如鳥胸骨上的如願骨等成叉狀的部位或骨頭
    A forked part or bone, such as the wishbone of a bird.
  3. 胸骨和附著其上的小羊肉塊。
    a cut of lamb including the breastbone and attached muscles dressed as meat
  4. 胸骨下段小切口心內直視手術40例
    Forty cases of limited lower sternotomy for open heart surgery
  5. 肩突哺乳動物從肩板向胸骨凸出的骨狀突起
    A bony process projecting from the scapula toward the sternum in mammals
  6. 鎖骨,叉骨如鳥胸骨上的如願骨等成叉狀的部位或骨頭
    A forked part or bone, such as the wishbone of a bird
  7. 剔除一塊雞胸骨
    Debone a chicken breast
  8. 游離肋就是沒有和胸骨連在一起的肋骨;游離腎。
    floating ribs are not connected with the sternum; a floating kidney
