拼音:xiōng dì英文解釋:
brother; sibling【法】 sibliing
(1) (2) 專指弟弟(3) 男子自稱 >>查看“兄弟”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 嫡堂[嫡表]兄弟[姐妹] 的子女a first cousin once removed
- 兩兄弟同住在間臥室。The two brothers share a bedroom
- 他的數學比他兄弟好。He is superior to his brother in mathematics.
- 肯思和我,我們是這么親密,就象親兄弟。Keith and I, we were so close, like brothers.
- 我有一個雙胞胎兄弟。I have a twin brother
- 這倆兄弟非常相像,有如一個豆莢里的兩顆豆。The two brothers are as a like as two peas in a pod
- 嫡堂[嫡表]兄弟[姐妹]的孫子女a first cousin twice removed
- 我聽說他的兄弟已經離開了家。I hear that his brother has left home.